I'm Elaine
I worked in advertising for twenty years. Around about the same time I discovered yoga. I used my practice to offset the stresses of a busy life.
Eventually I chose to bring yoga into a more central part of my life and make it my career.
I get what it's like to start out teaching and try to get your message out there.
I was lucky because of my experience in advertising I knew how to write a press release, use social, search and how to build websites. But it was still hard.
I want to help you to grow your business too.
Wouldn't the world be a better place with more successful yoga teachers helping people to move better and feel better?

Grow your business
Gain support and practical advice to get your business where you want it to go. And beyond.
Get rid of the admin
Join my workshops to show you how to use your time more productively. So you can teach classes without hours of extra tasks.
Create your yoga business.
With a few easy to learn tools you can create your own yoga brand. I will show you how to do it. Sign up for one of my marketing courses.